Are you all staying nice and warm these days? I sure hope so!
One cool thing from this last week, Sister Harris is teaching me how to play the guitar! Cool right? I've for the longest time been the only challenged one in our family that can't play any form of string instrument, but that my friends is changing! I can play a few primary songs and that's pretty sweet! The power of music is changing my life again and again. This week was weird because time is going by in weird intervals. Sister Harris and I are having such Joy though... it's pretty great.
One of the best things to do as a missionary is to help people catch the vision of missionary work. This last week my favorite Sister Frahm had a tea party! She invited a long ago investigator and she came to meet a bunch of the other sisters in the ward. That was so cool! Missionary work is not about teaching people and moving on, it's about helping them build relationships with other members of the church, relationships that help them reflect on their own relationship with the Savior and have a desire to draw closer to him. That's what Sister Frahm did this week. I love seeing people be such talented missionaries.
We are starting to see people catch the vision of progressing. This week we'll be teaching Ashley the Plan of Salvation, the Elders taught her the restoration and we're going to keep teaching her now, I hope and pray that she continues to progress. I know that we are beginning to see people change we are seeing hearts soften we are finding the prepared and it's so cool. The Lord's work will not ever stop going. I hope we can each always try to see his hand in our life and progress the way he would have us progress.
I learned something cool in my studies yesterday. First of all it's really cool to see how you learn the same things again and again but they strengthen your spirit each time you learn them. Anyway I was studying 2 Nephi 29 and it was prophesying about the Book of Mormon. I love the Book of Mormon... but it talked about how it is proof that God loves all his children!
9 And I do this that I may prove unto many that I am the same yesterday, today and forever; and that I speak forth my words according to mine own pleasure. And because that I have spoke none word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be until the end of man,neither from that time henceforth and forever.
this is why I love the Book of Mormon. It teaches us so much about our Father in Heaven's love. I hope you all are enjoying where you are reading and you continue to read! His love is real and he loves every nation, every child he loves us all. We are so blessed to know that.
I love you all! Thank you for your encouragement and support. I'm praying for you all too!
Sister McMaster
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Enjoying our 10 degree weather... |
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so warm... |
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crazy faces with Sister Harris |