Hope you are all having a beautiful Monday! It's crazy here... 70 degrees... so much for winter! But I'm not complaining.
So short update from North Platte. Things are going well, seeing miracles as always. We got to go on an exchange to Kearney! My first one in a while... it was a good little adventure :) We got to see Sister Smith and Sister Lutz! They're fantastic sisters that I love a lot! Sister Lutz and I shared the "he is the gift" video with lots of people and invited them to Loan a book of Mormon to someone by Christmas. It really is the best way that we can share the gift. Have you all seen that video? If not look it up here ya go <christmas.mormon.org> it's a real treat. It is so powerful, I think I've watched it at least 50 times in the last couple weeks.
So this is why I love it, it reminds us of this incredible principle (3 Nephi 27:13)
13 Behold I have given unto yo u my gospel, and this is the g ospel which I have given unto you—that I came into the world to do the will of my Father, because my Father sent me.
So ya see? The gospel is the gift from our Heavenly Father, and that gift is the atonement. Today in my studies in Moroni 7 (where you should be if you are caught up with finishing by tomorrow) I learned that Hope=The Atonement. So the gift that we were given upon coming to this earth was HOPE. That is beautiful to me, I hope it is to you as well. I know that our Father in Heaven wants us to share that gift the best we can with whoever he places in our paths.
This week we found some new people to teach which is fantastic. A lady approached us asking how we knew that God was real, we told her that the Book of Mormon was evidence of God's love and that she could pray to know that God loves her. She took the book and gave us her address. So we went and met with her.. and she actually got baptized like 20 years ago... so kind of a pre-baptized investigator situation... but still a cool experience. She said she hadn't prayed in years because she felt like god wasn't real. But because we invited her to she did. And she said... "Sisters... I just know that God is real, he really answered my prayer" Such a sweet lady. I hope we can somehow help her progress in the gospel.
We also will be working with the youth and we have 3 potential investigators that are quite promising. We talked to a lady that had visited with Elders years ago and she was interested in us coming back... so lots is happening! We still have faith that people will have a desire to be baptized in the coming weeks.
Oh exciting family! There is a less active family named the Redhouses, and they have come to church the last 2 weeks. They have a son that turned 8 in July and isn't baptized yet, we finally got the Ward Council on board and it's amazing how that is what get things going! He loved primary when he went and the family is beginning to progress towards the temple, that is the most fulfilling thing ever!
We'll find our about transfers this week! I hope Sister Newbold and I get to stay together for Christmas! I'll let you know next week :) OH we also moved back into the Marshall's house yay! It's good to be with members again :)
Be happy and healthy! Don't get ear infections! or colds or any of that stuff. And keep reading the book of Mormon. That's all I got for ya. Love you to the moon and space!
Sister McMaster
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Christmas Countdown begins! :) |
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Christmas Village at the Redhouse's :) |
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