Hello Dearest Family!
I love you all so dearly! Thank you all for sending me your testimonies, that was really cool! (Thomas I didn't get yours so send it soon :)) I am one lucky Sister missionary to have the most incredible family at home. I sure do love you guys. So this week has been a great week of so much learning! The Lord is blessing me every day, I can't even believe it! This gospel is so true! As a missionary we literally represent Jesus Christ when we walk into people's homes. I'm starting to get a glimpse of the love that our Savior has for each of his children. It is an incredible experience, I have been praying to feel the love he has for his children. I am working on building my faith, He needs us to love these people, because they have forgotten that he is there so that is our job as missionaries. Bring them to remembrance! Pretty cool right??
So miracles happen when we trust the Lord! We just need to look for them because they are happening every single day! Sister Call and I are working hard, this isn't easy to open an area. We are getting so much better at navigating (well I am and she follows my directions... most of the time) But it is amazing how the Lord uses us in each area that we are in. We went to visit a less active member and were quickly shut down by her non-member husband. But as soon as we left we turned around and I knew we needed to knock on the door across the street. And there was a really really nice young mother who was interested in talking about the church, she had never heard of it before and was quite curious. I hope that she can become a solid investigator. We'll go back to teach her a lesson this week so hopefully that will go well! I'm excited! We've seen several fun different people, people here like their cats! We've met like 5 different cat ladies... they're so sweet haha It's just funny that I live with a family called the Katz and we see cats everywhere.. and I'm feeling like I just miss Powder or something! Give him a hug for me pretty please :)
We did some service in a cornfield! Well kinda... the Relief Society here lives on a farm about 15 min outside of town so we went and helped her weed her garden! It was really fun, her home reminded me a lot of the Ranch... imagine living there! Wouldn't that be sweet? They're a really awesome family I love to see such strong member families. They help us so much with this work! This work isn't supposed to be done just by the missionaries, it is like the biggest group project of our life!
Our ward mission leader is awesome as well! He has such a sweet little family! He invites us over for breakfast and training on Saturday mornings which is great! We discussed becoming like Christ at our last training. It was a really powerful lesson, we each have been baptized because we decided we are committed to following god's plan and take upon us the name of Jesus Christ. Do you know what that means? We can have a testimony of the gospel but what we are asked to do is to become like Christ, to know enough that we know how to act like him. What did Christ do best? He taught those around him, he loved his neighbors, he was always serving someone else. Becoming more like Christ is more than just a good idea, it's what we have promised heavenly father we would do! That's why missionary work is so important, it's something we have promised or father in heaven we would do so we better be sure we do it! I hope you guys are all feeling the missionary push that the leaders of the church are giving. I know that the Lord is hastening his work for a reason! Be bold, really pray for opportunities to serve someone, and share your testimony with them. I know that it isn't easy, because I am trying to do this every day! Pray for just one missionary moment a day, then seek it out!
I hope you all had a fantastic week! The weather here has not even been that humid! People keep telling me August is the worst here but it has been rainy and kinda cool... Maybe just easing me in to it? haha Oh and I miss the mountains, but I am learning to love the rolling hills. It is quite a different thing watching the sun set and sunrise each day because they look the same! (maybe I've just never really appreciated sunrises...) But Nebraska is a very beautiful place. We have district meeting in Columbus each week so Sister Call and I get to enjoy a little Nebraska Road trip every Wednesday (Columbus is about an hour away) But the drive is beautiful! Cornfields and rolling grassy planes... It is really a beautiful state. Thank you Nat and Tan for the CD's they make the road trip a million times more enjoyable! Nashville Tribute is a fantastic soundtrack to accompany our cornfield drives! You guys are the best :)
This work is so incredible. Heavenly Father's plan is perfect, I am so grateful that he loves us so much, I know that this lovely little part of Lincoln is exactly where I am supposed to be right now. I hope you all can look for ways to be the Lord's instruments this week. He loves you! I love you too! I'm praying for you, keep praying for me! Talk to you all soon!
Love always,
Sister McMaster
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