Happy Columbus Day! Miracle of the day- the libraries are open in York :)
It was really a great week in Nebraska, a great week to be a missionary! Did any of you get to go see Meet the Mormons? I didn't but I heard it was a "tear jerker" -an elder said that... haha. Hopefully we'll find someone willing to drive to Omaha to see it soon!
Always learning but I really loved what I learned this week. Faith is power. There ya go that's it. I was with a Sister named Sister Crist, who happens to be wonderful. She was really anxious to be praying 30 times a day (that was a commitment from a little while ago) So we were tallying everytime we prayed. It was so cool. The spirit was so strong as we were walking down the street and she said... wait... can we pray now? It's hard to say no to that question so we prayed a lot. We knocked on a door and no one answered, then I felt like we should knock on the door across the street and no one answered... so we left and didn't think much of it. Then we ate lunch and prayed to know where to go. We felt we should go back to that circle. So we did. And we saw the lady we were looking for and gave her a Book of Mormon, she was really busy but seemed pretty sincere. Then we walked away and I felt again like we should knock on the door across the street again so we did, and what do ya know the sweetest lady answered and we were introducing ourselves when she told us "I'm a Mormon too!" They had just barely moved in and hadn't found the church yet (may not have been too actively looking either) But she was excited to see us and told us that she was 90% sure she'd come to church the next day. I have absolutely no doubt that Heavenly Father knew exactly where that lady was and knew that she needed a friendly knock from a missionary. I am so grateful for these kind of miracles. It really helps me see that the Lord's hand is real in our lives. He knows exactly where we are and what we need. He's the best missionary! He helps each of us serve each other, he helps us strengthen our faith from the love we feel from each other. He truly has a perfect plan.
So I'm grateful today to be a missionary. York is such a special place and though things may not have gone perfectly this week I know the Lord is teaching us to keep trying. To search to find the down-trodden and the afflicted. To keep praying, to keep reading to never give up. He'll never give up on us so we can't give up on him.
I hope you all have a terrific week. Keep smiling and serving those that need you!
Love Always,
Sister McMaster
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awkward picture... waiting for the train! Hermana Buhler in the back our secret kidnapped hermana... she helps us speak spanish to people! |
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